• Future Natures: https://futurenatures.org/. Future Natures is a new initiative to explore the global terrain and emergent ecologies of commoning and enclosure, bringing different histories, perspectives and struggles to defend the commons into conversation.
  • Ecological Belonging: https://warwick.ac.uk/research/supporting-talent/fellowships/socsci-fellowships/maria
  • Ecological Reparationshttps://www.youtube.com/c/EcologicalReparation. How can ecological thinking and practice enable reparation? How can reparation for damages done be ecological? The channel Ecological Reparation discusses work engaged in remediating and repairing as well as claiming reparations for more than human ecologies. Aspects of this research appear in: Papadopoulos D., Puig de la Bellacasa, M., & Tacchetti, M., (Eds.). (2022). Ecological Reparation. Repair, Remediation and Resurgence in Social and Environmental Conflict. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
  • Center for Plants and Culture: https://www.plantsandculture.org/
  • Clamor: https://www.ourclamor.org/. Clamor is a transdisciplinary research, training, and advocacy project that explores the tools of art to drive activism towards environmental justice and diversity. The project is based in the University of California, Berkeley, and the Autonomous University of Barcelona. The European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme supports Clamor with a Marie Sklodowska Curie Research Fellowship.
  • Multispecies World Building: https://multispeciesworldbuilding.com/. The Multispecies Worldbuilding Lab (MWL) is led by Elaine Gan at New York University, Center for Experimental Humanities & Social Engagement at the Graduate School of Arts & Science. The lab launched in February 2020 with funding from the Green Grants Program of NYU Office of Sustainability and the goodwill of friends and colleagues who are staying with the trouble (Haraway) to find ways of living in place, more carefully, less violently.